Saturday, May 21, 2016

# 15 Work in a hospital in Kenya

# 15 In January 2014 I worked in the Malindi District Hospital in Kenya. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life! I love Kenya! It was an eye opening experience. Everyone should go to a third world country in their life time. I came home with a whole knew perspective on life and being much more grateful. I flew into Nairobi and spent a day with a host family and then took off for a three day safari in Masai Mara. I stayed in a very luxurious tent. It had marble in the bathroom. I then took off on a 10 hour bus ride, where I sat next to a chicken, for Malinda. I saw so many sad cases at the hospital. We are so lucky to have the resources we do. There ambulance had a flat tire and has for a least a year. They don't have big trauma centers like the USA. If something passes away they don't do CPR or shock them with an AED. The AED at the hospital wasn't functioning. There were so many people in need. It was eye opening. I loved my experience and would go back in a heart beat. I am working on becoming a doctor so I can go back and do more good. Maybe open up a trauma center. Hopefully one day you'll be reading a post about that.
Until then don't forget to live your life!!

# 14 Get married in a Cave

# 14 On May 7th I got married in Luray caverns in a purple dress. I also had a bat holding my veil in. Most people think you need to follow the normal traditions of a wedding but you're the ones paying for it. You're the ones who will have to look back at the pictures. Make your wedding your own. If you don't want to wear white don't! We had a taco truck and a s'mores bar. Have the food you want. It doesn't have to be boring! Its your life! Be you! You never know you may love the person you are!
Don't forget to Live you life!!!

Friday, May 20, 2016

I'm back!

Well is has been 3 years since my last post. I have been off living my crazy wild life and last week decided I should pick this blog back up. So from now on I will try to post once a week.
Live on!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

#13 Smile with Mona

#13 Me smiling with Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris. As cool as this was, I think my favorite thing was dancing on the fountains that are outside of the Louvre at 3am!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

#12 Throw pie at someones face

#12 Throw pie at someones face!
I achieved this one with my little brother and sister! I can always count on them to help me do the crazy ones no one else will!! We each made a pie and got to choose the flavor we wanted thrown at us. I chose banana cream, my favorite! It was a messy blast!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

#11 See a Catacomb

#11 See a Catacomb- The catacomb I went to was in Paris, France. It was awesome! It took about 15 minutes just to walk down to where the catacomb started. But it was well worth it. It was breath taking to see all of the skeletons made into walls and columns. They also had phases about death and dieing written in French on some of the walls(the ones not made of bones).

#10 Be cast in a Renaissance Faire

#10 Be cast in a Renaissance Faire- For five weekends in the summer of 2012, I drove to Spotsylvania, Va to be a squire/townsfolk in the Va renn faire. There is also months of practice/ rehearsals before that. I made a ton of great friends and had a blast traveling back in time of dance, English accents, and jousting! Check them out at!